Years of our installation experience has led to developing a standardized system of hatches and connection panels for the stage, auditorium and tech facilities.The system is supplemented with broaching boxes for organizing the cabling. All main set-ups for each device are described with an exhaustive set of options for every case.
Mortice hatches
Gella I StS K X XC/S L W OptX Triax Plast XXD XSh
Gella I W K X XC/S L W OptX Triax Plast XXD XSh
Gella I RALXXXX K X XC/S L W OptX Triax Plast XXD XSh
Imposed hatches in the boxes
Gella O StS K X 2C L Wp OptX Triax Plast XXD XSh
Gella O RALXXXX K X 2C L Wp OptX Triax Plast XXD XSh
Broaching boxes and terminal boxes
Gella Box50 XX XX XX XX (XX) XXD XSh
Gella Box40 XX XX XX XX (XX) XXD XSh
Wall panels
Gella RX RALXXXX OptX Triax Plast XXD XSh
Rack panels
Gella R1 RALXXXX OptX Triax Plast XXD
Gella RX RALXXXX OptX Triax Plast XXD XSh