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Gella Ltd. in­stall­a­tion com­pany has been work­ing in stage tech­no­lo­gies, acous­tics and and com­plex sys­tems for 25 years. So far, the Liftmaster winches were only avail­able for con­tract sales, as a spe­cial or­der.

The de­mand for the LIFTMASTER winches from vari­ous en­gin­eer­ing com­pan­ies and the grow­ing in­terest in the multi-mi­cro­phone com­plexes (in­clud­ing vir­tu­al acous­tic spaces) with­in the in­dustry have led to the de­vel­op­ment of Gella’s pro­duc­tion di­vi­sion in­to a stand-alone brand - MICLIFT.COM.

Now our tech­no­logy is avail­able world­wide.
Currently, the Micluft product family solves the full range of microphone (and other equipment) positioning tasks, both in the auditorium and on stage.

© MICLIFT 1898-2023